33 Excel Tools

Created by Chris Mckeown, Modified on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 at 11:56 PM by Chris Mckeown

1 Excel Tools

Welcome to this demonstration on Bonus Tools - Excel Tools.

Excel Tools allows you to export and Import schedules to and from Excel, utilizing Excel to speed up repetitive schedule manipulation.

Excel Tools contains 7 individual tools, Export Category to Excel, Export Schedule to Excel, Import from Excel, Export Room Template, Import New Rooms, Export Sheet Template and Import New Sheets.

1.1 Export Category to Excel

  1. Export Category to Excel allows you to select a Category, phase and parameters to export to Excel.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Category to Excel from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. The Export Category to Excel dialog will appear.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. Choose the selection set: Current View, Current Selection or Entire Project to filter the Text selection
  7. 33 Excel Tools

  8. Select the Category you would like to export from the drop down.
  9. 33 Excel Tools

  10. Then select the Phase the Elements are constructed on.
  11. 33 Excel Tools

  12. Choose to include elements from Linked files.
  13. 33 Excel Tools

  14. Then choose Parameters from the left and add then to the right by either:
    1. Double clicking
    2. Selecting one and clicking the add button
    3. Or click Add All
    4. 33 Excel Tools

  15. The same operations apply the Removing Parameters from the right.
  16. 33 Excel Tools

  17. Tick Include Family Name & Type if you would also like to see them in the export.
  18. 33 Excel Tools

  19. Order Parameters to be exported by using the Move Parameter Up and Move Parameter Down buttons.
  20. 33 Excel Tools

    1. Select the Parameter.
    2. 33 Excel Tools

    3. Choose Move Parameter Up or Move Parameter Down until the parameters are ordered as desired.
    4. 33 Excel Tools

  21. You can export the current settings by clicking the export button and saving the settings.
  22. 33 Excel Tools

  23. A Save As dialog will appear, navigate to a desired location to save the file too and enter a name.
  24. 33 Excel Tools

  25. You can also import previously exported settings by clicking the import button and searching for exported setting files.
  26. 33 Excel Tools

  27. An Open dialog will appear, navigate to a desired location and select a previously exported settings file.
  28. 33 Excel Tools

    Note: The export Categories dialog will load the previously used settings to speed up exports. The Template used label will show which setting file is used.

    33 Excel Tools

  29. Once you have selected all Parameters and other settings click Ok.
  30. 33 Excel Tools

  31. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Elements that have been exported.
  32. 33 Excel Tools

  33. Excel will also have opened.
  34. The First row in Excel is the Category Name
  35. The Second row in Excel is the Parameter Name used during Import (Do not delete or modify this row)
  36. The Third row in Excel is the Parameter Type used during Import (Do not delete this row)
  37. The Fourth row in Excel describes whether the Parameter is a Type or Instance Parameter (Do not delete or modify this row)
  38. The Fifth row in Excel is the Parameter Id used during Import (where the parameter is a shared parameter) (Do not delete this row)
  39. The First column in Excel is Element Id used during Import (Do not delete this column)
  40. Delete any other rows and columns after Export as desired (except for those mentioned above)
  41. Make modifications as required.
  42. Save the file and re-import the data into Revit.
  43. Note: The saved file should be treated as a temporary file.

1.2 Export Schedule to Excel

  1. Export Schedule to Excel allows you to select a Schedule to export to Excel.
  2. Note: There are limitations with the Revit API and exporting schedule:.

    • Calculated values will not export
    • Formula values will not export
    • Values from linked files will not export
    • Values from other elements will not export
  3. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Schedule to Excel from the Excel Tools drop down.
  4. 33 Excel Tools

  5. The Export Schedule to Excel dialog will appear.
  6. 33 Excel Tools

  7. From the dialog select the schedule you wish to export.
  8. 33 Excel Tools

  9. Select Protect Header Cells if you want to stop edits from occurring in the top 5 rows.
  10. 33 Excel Tools

    Note: You cannot delete columns if this is selected.

  11. Click Ok.
  12. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Elements that have been exported.
  13. 33 Excel Tools

  14. Excel will also have opened.
  15. The First row in Excel is the Category Name
  16. The Second row in Excel is the Parameter Name used during Import (Do not delete or modify this row)
  17. The Third row in Excel is the Parameter Type used during Import (Do not delete this row)
  18. The Fourth row in Excel describes whether the Parameter is a Type or Instance Parameter (Do not delete or modify this row)
  19. The Fifth row in Excel is the Parameter Id used during Import (where the parameter is a shared parameter) (Do not delete this row)
  20. Delete any other rows and columns after Export as desired (except for those mentioned above)
  21. If you selected Protect Header Cells, and you now would like to delete a column:
    1. Go to File > Info and select Uprotect.
  22. Make modifications as required.
  23. Save the file and re-import the data into Revit.
  24. Note: The saved file should be treated as a temporary file.

1.3 Import from Excel

  1. Import from Excel allows you to select any Excel file that is formatted as per the Export functions.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Import from Excel from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to search for an Excel file for Import.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Elements that have been updated.
  7. 33 Excel Tools

  8. A second dialog will also appear listing the updates, noting if they passed or failed.
  9. 33 Excel Tools

    Note: Any fails will be in Red.

  10. With the dialogs closed you can inspect the changes.
  11. 33 Excel Tools

1.4 Export Room Template

  1. Export Room Template allows you to Export a formatted template to Excel ready for new Rooms to be added.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Room Template from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. A dialog box will appear showing the Category was exported with no elements.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. Excel will also have opened.
  7. The First row in Excel is the Parameter Name used during Import (Do not delete or modify this row)
  8. The Second row in Excel is the Parameter Type (Do not delete this row)
  9. Remove the columns that you do not need and start adding rows of data for new rooms.
  10. Once the additions have been made then save the file and import the data into Revit.
  11. Note: The saved file should be treated as a temporary file.

1.5 Import New Rooms

  1. Import New Rooms allows you to select a Excel file that is formatted as per the Export Room Template function to quickly bulk add rooms into the project.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Import New Rooms from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to search for an Excel file to create Rooms from.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Rooms that have been created.
  7. 33 Excel Tools

  8. A second dialog will also appear listing the parameter modifications, noting if they passed or failed.
  9. 33 Excel Tools

    Note: Any fails will be in Red.

  10. With the dialogs closed you can inspect a Room Schedule and see the newly created Rooms in the Schedule noted as Not Placed.
  11. Note: If a phase was not specified then the Rooms will have been created on the first Phase in the Project.

1.6 Export Sheet Template

  1. Export Sheet Template allows you to Export a Sheet schedule template to Excel ready for new Sheets to be added.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Sheet Template from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. A dialog box will appear showing the Category was exported with no elements.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. Excel will also have opened.
  7. The First row in Excel is the Parameter Name used during Import (Do not delete or modify this row)
  8. The Second row in Excel is the Parameter Type (Do not delete this row)
  9. Remove the columns that you do not need and start adding rows of data for new Sheets.
  10. Note: Use the Family name and Type name to set the Titleblock.

  11. Once the additions have been made then save the file and import the data into Revit.

Note: The saved file should be treated as a temporary file.

1.7 Import New Sheets

  1. Import New Sheets allows you to select a Excel file that is formatted as per the Export Room Template function to quickly bulk add Sheets into the project.
  2. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Import New Sheets from the Excel Tools drop down.
  3. 33 Excel Tools

  4. A dialog box will appear, allowing you to search for a Excel file to create Rooms from.
  5. 33 Excel Tools

  6. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Sheets that have been created.
  7. 33 Excel Tools

  8. A second dialog will also appear listing the parameter modifications, noting if they passed or failed.
  9. 33 Excel Tools

    Note: Any fails will be in Red.

  10. With the dialogs closed you can inspect the project Browser and see the newly Created Sheets.
  11. 33 Excel Tools

1.8 Export Formatted Category to Excel

  1. Export Formatted Category to Excel allows you to select a Category, phase and parameters to export to Excel.
  2. Note: Export Category to Formatted Excel is one-way. These exports can not be reimported using Bonus Tools Import from Excel

  3. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Formatted Category to Excel from the Excel Tools drop down.
  4. Export Formatted Category

  5. The Export Formatted Category to Excel dialog will appear.
  6. Export Formatted Category

    Note: Export Category to Formatted Excel is one-way. These exports can not be reimported using Bonus Tools Import from Excel

  7. Choose the selection set: Current View, Current Selection or Entire Project to filter the Text selection.
  8. Export Formatted Category

  9. Select the Category you would like to export from the drop down.
  10. Export Formatted Category

  11. Then select the Phase the Elements are constructed on.
  12. Export Formatted Category

  13. Choose to include elements from Linked files.
  14. Export Formatted Category

  15. Then choose Parameters from the left and add then to the right by either:
    1. Double clicking
    2. Selecting one and clicking the add button
    3. Or click Add All
    4. Export Formatted Category

  16. The same operations apply the Removing Parameters from the right.
  17. Export Formatted Category

  18. Order Parameters to be exported by using the Move Parameter Up and Move Parameter Down buttons.
  19. Export Formatted Category

    1. Select the Parameter.
    2. Export Formatted Category

    3. Choose Move Parameter Up or Move Parameter Down until the parameters are ordered as desired.
    4. Export Formatted Category

  20. You can export the current settings by clicking the export button and saving the settings.
  21. Export Formatted Category

  22. A Save As dialog will appear, navigate to a desired location to save the file too and enter a name.
  23. Export Formatted Category

  24. You can also import previously exported settings by clicking the import button and searching for exported setting files.
  25. Export Formatted Category

  26. An Open dialog will appear, navigate to a desired location and select a previously exported settings file.
  27. Export Formatted Category

    Note: The export Categories dialog will load the previously used settings to speed up exports. The Template used label will show which setting file is used.

    Export Formatted Category

  28. Enter the Row. This is the Row you would like the export to start populating at.
  29. Export Formatted Category

  30. Enter the Column. This is the Column you would like the export to start populating at.
  31. Export Formatted Category

  32. Select a formatted Excel file by Clicking on the button at the end of the text box.
  33. Export Formatted Category

  34. Navigate to and select a formatted Excel file.
  35. Export Formatted Category

  36. Once you have selected all Parameters and other settings click Ok.
  37. Export Formatted Category

  38. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Elements that have been exported.
  39. Export Formatted Category

  40. Excel will also have opened.

1.9 Export Formatted Schedule to Excel

  1. Export Formatted Schedule to Excel allows you to select a Schedule to export to a pre-Formatted Excel.
  2. Note: Export Schedule to Formatted Excel is one-way. These exports can not be reimported using Bonus Tools Import from Excel. Note: There are limitations with the Revit API and exporting schedule:.

    • Calculated values will not export
    • Formula values will not export
    • Values from linked files will not export
  3. To run the tool navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Export Formatted Schedule to Excel from the Excel Tools drop down.
  4. Export Formatted Schedule

  5. The Export Formatted Schedule to Excel dialog will appear.
  6. Export Formatted Schedule

    Note: Export Schedule to Formatted Excel is one-way. These exports can not be reimported using Bonus Tools Import from Excel.

  7. Enter the Row. This is the Row you would like the export to start populating at.
  8. Export Formatted Schedule

  9. Enter the Column. This is the Column you would like the export to start populating at.
  10. Export Formatted Schedule

  11. From the dialog select the schedule you wish to export.
  12. Export Formatted Schedule

  13. Select a formatted Excel file by Clicking on the button at the end of the text box.
  14. Export Formatted Schedule

  15. Navigate to and select a formatted Excel file.
  16. Export Formatted Schedule

  17. Click Ok.
  18. Export Formatted Schedule

  19. A confirmation dialog will appear confirming number of Elements that have been exported.
  20. Export Formatted Schedule

  21. Excel will also have opened.
  22. Note: All formatting is retained.

1.10 Dummy Schedule

  1. Dummy Schedule allows you to recreate an Excel Schedule within Revit using Revit Schedule Headers.
  2. To run the tool first set the Print Area within Excel.
  3. Then navigate to the Bonus Tools Tab and select Dummy Schedule from the Excel Tools drop down.
  4. Dummy Schedule

  5. An open dialog will appear.
  6. Navigate to and select the Excel File to recreate.
  7. Dummy Schedule

  8. A dialog will show confirming recreation.
  9. Dummy Schedule

  10. With the Revit Project Browser you will see the new Schedule with the Name of the Excel Worksheet.
  11. Dummy Schedule

  12. Once placed on a Sheet, assign the Revit borders.

Thank you for viewing this demonstration on Bonus Tools - Excel Tools.

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